CNZ CLUBKIT is a resource of tools and information to help you start, develop and manage your croquet club. Creating and running a club can be a hugely rewarding experience and it’s a great way to get involved with your community. Croquet NZ is a dedicated to more people playing better croquet more often and your club has a big part to play in this.
Running a sports or recreation club doesn’t need to be a complicated or difficult job and with the right information you’ll be able to achieve your club’s goals easily. Whether your club is a few people or a large group – CLUBKIT will give you tips and resources to run a successful club and have a lot of fun while you’re there!
These CLUBKIT resources are predominantly sourced from the New Zealand Croquet community and Sport NZ. CNZ acknowledge and thanks those that have provided the ideas, information and documents that will help you to develop a strong and vibrant croquet club. Click on the links to see how CLUBKIT can work for you.